Hello World.
A simple yet effective program used to introduce learners to the basics of a programming language while also serving as a test to ensure everything is working properly. I figured a "Hello World" would be the perfect way to start my blog. At the time of writing, I am still learning to work with my chosen CMS (Grav. Pretty cool and easier than I expected, by the way...) and my front page is still a work in progress. I’m clearly still figuring out how all of this works; not just setting up the site, but also how to write an engaging blog post in the first place.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Mondo. A very "Hello World" to you, dear reader. Welcome!

As you've probably gathered from my homepage (and this byte) by now, I'm furry trash that decided to set up a website for fun, but I really had no idea what to do after I had it all set up. So this will be me just winging it for the most part, but maybe some people out there can benefit from my blogs, projects, write-ups, etc for entertainment and their own adventures.
Future Plans:
- Projects & Write-ups Page
- New Theme/Grav Testing
- Telegram Channel
- About Me Page
Thanks for stopping by. If you're reading close to the post date, more to come in the future as I start fleshing this place out.